Abbreviations used for bibliographical sources
and tomb
AE = Ancient Egypt (London.)
AoE = Aidan Dodson, Afterglow of Empire (The American University in Cairo Press, 2012.)
AEFP = Nicholas Reeves, Akhenaten: Egypt's False Prophet (Thames and Hudson, 2001.)
AG = W. Spiegelberg, A'gyptische und andere Graffiti
(Inschriften und Zeichnungen) aus
Thebanischen Nekropolis (Heidelberg, 1921.)
AGS = Donald B. Redford, ed., The Ancient Gods Speak--A Guide to Egyptian Religion (Oxford University Press, 2002.)
AKoE = Cyril Aldred., Akhenaten, King of Egypt (Thames and Hudson, 1988.)
AN = Dra Abu’l Naga
APoE = Cyril Aldred, Akhenaten: Pharaoh of Egypt--A New Study (McGraw-Hill, 1968.)
ARE = James Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt 2 (London, 1988.)
ASAE = Annales du Service des Antiquites de l’Egypt (Cairo.)
AT = C. N. Reeves, ed., After Tut'ankhamen (London, 1992.)
BB = Dr. Bob Brier, Egyptian Mummies (William Morrow and Company, 1994.)
BdE = Bibliothéque d'étude. Cairo: IFAO, 1908-
BIE = Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien (Cairo.)
BIFAO = Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie Orientale (Cairo.)
BiOr = Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden.)
BM = British Museum
BMMA = Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York.)
BSFE = Bulletin de la Societe francaise d'egyptologie (Paris.)
C = Century Magazine
CBTT = W. McLeod, Composit Bows from the Tomb of Tutcankhamun (Oxford, 1970.)
CCR = Georges Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales (Cairo, 1909.)
CP = Peter A. Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs (Thames and Hudson, 2'nd edition, 1996.)
CT = Nicholas Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamen (Thames and Hudson, 1990.)
CVK = Nicholas Reeves and Richard Wilkinson, The Complete Valley
of the Kings (London & New
DB = Dier el-Bahari
De = M. Gitton, Les divines epouses de la 18e dynastie (Paris, 1984.)
DEM = H. W. Helck, Der Einfluss der Militarfuhrer in der 18. agyptischen Dynastie (Leipzig, 1939.)
DRN = C. N. Reeves, The Valley of the Kings; the Decline of a Royal
Necropolis (Kegan
International, 1990.)
EB = Emile Brugsch
EEFAR = Egypt Exploration Fund Archeological Report (London.)
EM = G. Elliot Smith and Warren Dawson, Egyptian Mummies (Kegan
Paul International, 1991.
published in 1924.)
EMbb = Bob Brier, Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art (William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1994.)
EMbm =Carol Andrews, Egyptian Mummies (British Museum/Harvard University Press, 1984.)
EMs = B. Andrews, Egyptian Mummies (Shire Egyptology series, 1984.)
EMC-87 = Official Catalogue: The Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1987.)
FP= Robert Partridge, Faces of Pharaohs: Royal Mummies and Coffins from Ancient Thebes (The Rubicon Press, 1994.)
FPI= Edouard, Naville, The Funeral Papyrus of
Iouiya (London, 1908.)
FVR = G. Daressy, Fouilles de
la Vallee des Rois 1898-1899 (Cairo, 1902.)
GAE = Ruffle, Gaballa , and Kitchen, ed., Glimpses of Ancient
Egypt; Studies in Honor of H. W.
(Warminster, 1979.)
GAUE = Arthur Weigall, A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt
from Abydos to the Sudan
(London, 1910.)
GC = Perevorot Perepelkin, The Secret of the Gold Coffin (Moscow, 1978.)
GCM = Gaston Maspero, Guide to the Cairo Museum (1908.)
GCSS = Rogerio Sousa, Gleaming Coffins: Iconography and Symbolism in Theban Coffin Decoration, Vol. I: The Sheltering Sky (Coimbra University Press, 2018.)
GdV = Gaston Maspero, Guide du Visiteur (1905.)
GI(HCA) = Griffith Institute (Howard Carter Archive.)
GM = Gottinger Miszellen (Gottingen.)
GP = Arthur Weigall, The Glory of the Pharaohs (London, 1936.)
GPI = M. Ciccarello, The Graffito of Pinutem I in the Tomb of
Ramesses XI (San Francisco,
Gr =
Jaroslav Cerny, A. A. Sadek, and others, Graffiti de la montagne thebaine
(Cairo, 1969-1974.)
H II = Eugene Lefebure, Les hypogees royaux de Thebes (Paris, 1886-1889.)
HA = H. Kees, Die Hohenpriester des Amun von Karnak von Herihor bis
zum Ende der
(Leiden, 1964.)
HE = Erik Hornung, The Valley of the Kings: Horizon of Eternity (1990.)
HCBT = Nicholas Reeves and John H. Taylor, Howard Carter Before Tutankhamun (Abrams: New York, 1993.)
HCPT = T. G. H. James, Howard Carter, The Path to Tutankhamen (London, 1992.)
IT = Theodore Davis, pub., The Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou (1907.)
JAMA = Journal of the American Medical Association
JARCE = Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
JEA = Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (London.)
JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Chicago.)
KC = Dr. Kara Cooney (personal communications.)
KF = Dr. Kate Fulcher (British Museum.)
KG = Henri Frankfort, Kingship and the Gods (University of Chicago, 1948.)
Kmt = Kmt--A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt.
KV = King’s Valley (the Valley of the Kings)
LNK = Morris Bierbrier, The Late New Kingdom in Egypt (Warminster, 1975.)
LT = Kent R. Weeks, Ph. D., The Lost Tomb (William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1998.)
LToA = Arthur Weigall, The Life and Times of Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt (London, 1923.)
MA = C. W. Ceram, The March of Archeology (Thames and Hudson, 1958.)
MDAIK = Mitteilungen des Deutschen archäologischen Instituts (Wiesbaden.)
MET = Herbert Winlock, Materials Used at the Embalming of King Tut-cankh-Amun (New York, 1941.)
MG = Dr. Marc Gabolde, personal communications.
MiAE = Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson, Mummies in Ancient Egypt (Thames and Hudson, 1998.)
MMM = Christine El Mahdy, Mummies, Myth, and Magic (Thames and Hudson, 1989.)
MP = T. E. Peet, The Mayer Papyri A and B (London, 1920.)
MR1 = Gaston Maspero, La Trouvaille de Dier el-Bahari (Cairo, 1881.)
MR = Gaston Maspero, Les momies royales de Deir el-Bahari (Cairo, 1889.)
MSS = The Papers of Howard Carter (1873-1939) at the Griffith
Institute, Oxford.
NG = The National Geographic
N I = J. -F. Champollion, Monuments de l'Egypte et da la Nubie. Notices descriptives (Paris, 1844-89.)
NL = Gaston Maspero, New Light on Ancient Egypt (London, 1908.)
O = Jaroslav Cerny, Ostraca hieratiques (Cairo, 1930-1935.)
OHVK = The Oxford Handbook of The Valley of the Kings (Oxford University Press, 2019.)
PF = Edouard Naville, Papyrus Funeraires de la XXIe Dynastie (Paris, 1912.)
PSBA = Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archeology (London.)
Rapp = Gouvernement Egyptien, Rapports sur la marche du Service des
Antiquities, de
a 1910 (Cairo, 1912.)
REL = Schiaparelli, Ernesto, Relazione sui lavori della
Missione Archeologica Italiana in
anni 1903-20. (Turin, 1924-7.)
RdT = Racueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a
egyptiennes assyriennes (Paris.)
RG = Ramesses The Great (Boston Museum of Science, 1988.)
RM = G. E. Smith, The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912.)
Rm = A. H. Sayce, Reminiscences (London, 1923.)
RNT = Elizabeth Thomas, The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes (Princeton, 1966.)
RP = B. Bruyere, Rapport preliminaire sur les fouilles de Deir el Medineh (Cairo, 1934.)
RS = William C. Hayes, Royal Sarcophagi of the XVIII'th Dynasty (Princeton, 1935.)
SAK = Studien zur altagyptischen Kultur (Hamburg.)
Sci = Science
SFG = Marija Tomashevska, Sacred Floral Garlands and Collars From the New Kingdom Period and Early
Third Intermediate Period in Ancient Egypt 1550 B. C.--943 B. C. (Leiden University, August, 2019.)
SFN = Joann Fletcher, The Search for Nefertiti (HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004.)
SoE = William C. Hayes, The Scepter of Egypt (New York, 1953-59.)
TBP = Morris Bierbrier, The Tomb Builders of the Pharaohs (Cairo, 1989.)
TIP = K. A. Kitchen, The Third Intermediate Period (1100-650 B.C.) (Warminster, 1973.)
ToT = Howard Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut-ankh-amen (London, 1923--1933.)
ToQT = Theodore Davis, pub., The Tomb of Queen Tiye (London, 1910.)
ToYT= J. E. Quibell, The Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu.
Catalogue Général du Musée du
51001-51191 (Cairo: IFAO,
TR = T. E. Peet, The Great Tomb-Robberies of the Twentieth Egyptian Dynasty (Oxford, 1930.)
TRC= ed. Erhart Graefe & Galina Belova, The Royal Cache TT 320: A Re-examination. (Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, Cairo, 2010.)
TSFEK = Joyce Tyldesley, Tutankhamen: The Search For An Egyptian King (Basic Books, 2012.)
TTAA = Joseph Linden Smith, Tombs, Temples, and Ancient Art (Norman 1956.)
TTIV = Theodore Davis, The Tomb of Thoutmosis IV (London, 1904.)
TVK = John Romer, The Valley of the Kings (William Morrow and Company, 1981.)
VoK= Hartwig Altenmuller, "The Tomb of Tausert and Setnakh," (in Valley of the Kings, ed. Kent Weeks, [Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc,, 2001] 222 ff.)
WMSS = Unpublished papers of Arthur Weigall. Selected quotes taken
from Reeves, The Valley of the Kings;
Decline of a Royal Necropolis (Kegan Paul
International, 1990.)
WN A = Wadi el-Nisr Tomb A
WP = Wonders of the Past (Wise & Co., 1937.)
XRA = J. E. Harris, An X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies (Chicago, 1980.)
XRP = J. E. Harris and Kent Weeks, X-Raying the Pharaohs (New York, 1973.)